Keep Calm – Let Hillman Handle It!
Some Functions of a Lawyer
Some Functions of a Lawyer December 8th, 2023People often know they need a lawyer but don't know...
What to do if stopped?
What to do if stopped? December 1st, 2023What to do when you are stopped… I've had several...
Is Marijuana Illegal in Louisiana?
Is Marijuana Illegal in Louisiana? June 30th, 2023Is Marijuana Illegal In Louisiana? In a...
Vehicular Homicide
Vehicular Homicide June 27th, 2023Vehicular Homicide in Louisiana Vehicular homicide is, in a...
Illegal Carrying of a weapon
Illegal Carrying of a Weapon May 25th, 2023Carrying a weapon is a fundamental right Gun rights are...
Possession of Schedule V drugs
Possession of Schedule V drugs April 28th, 2023Categories Louisiana has five Controlled Dangerous...
Possession of Schedule IV drugs
Possession of Schedule IV drugs April 26th, 2023Categories Louisiana has five Controlled Dangerous...
Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile
Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile April 21th, 2023Indecent Behavior With a Juvenile Most people...
Illegal Use of a Weapon
Illegal Use of a Weapon April 17th, 2023What is illegal use of a weapon? Louisiana law defines...
Schedule II Drugs
Schedule II Drugs March 3rd, 2023Categories There are five Controlled Dangerous Substances...