
Prostitution in Louisiana

Prostitution in Louisiana August 25th, 2022 Is prostitution legal in Louisiana? No. What surprises many of my clients is prostitution is only legal in Nevada and only under certain circumstances. For example, Nevada prohibits prostitution unless it takes place in a...

Traffic Tickets

Traffic Tickets August 17th, 2022 Traffic Tickets and your Driving Record Louisiana continues to crack down on traffic tickets. In 2021 alone, there were around 914 crashes resulting in 997 deaths on Louisiana roads. That averages almost three deaths a day, the...

Crimes of Violence

Crimes of Violence August 8th, 2022 What is a crime of violence? Louisiana law specifically designates certain crimes as crimes of violence. The designation is onthe type of offense and what can arise from that offense. There must be an element of threateneduse of...

What is manslaughter

What is manslaughter June 28th, 2022 What is manslaughter Homicide is manslaughter in Louisiana when one of these three criteria is present: The first and most common that I see is when the homicide is committed in such passion or heat of blood immediately caused by...

Is everyone entitled to bail?

Is everyone entitled to bail? June 20th, 2022 Is everyone entitled to bail? Yes, as a general rule, almost everybody is entitled to bail. Unfortunately, because of this, some people treat bail as a right, not a privilege. The reality is the court can revoke bail. You...