by Larrion Hillman | Jul 28, 2022 | What is manslaughter
What is manslaughter June 28th, 2022 What is manslaughter Homicide is manslaughter in Louisiana when one of these three criteria is present: The first and most common that I see is when the homicide is committed in such passion or heat of blood immediately caused by...
by Larrion Hillman | Jun 20, 2022 | Is everyone entitled to bail?
Is everyone entitled to bail? June 20th, 2022 Is everyone entitled to bail? Yes, as a general rule, almost everybody is entitled to bail. Unfortunately, because of this, some people treat bail as a right, not a privilege. The reality is the court can revoke bail. You...
by Larrion Hillman | Jun 16, 2022 | How the Court determines Bail
How the Court determines Bail June 16th, 2022 How the Court determines Bail How the court determines bail is perhaps the first question family members ask. There are three primary ways a court sets bail. You can be issued a summons, charged with a crime with bail set...
by Larrion Hillman | May 31, 2022 | Malfeasance
Malfeasance in Office May 31st, 2022 Malfeasance in Office In the last six months, we have experienced increased calls regarding malfeasance in office. Most people charged with malfeasance are unsure what it even means. The assumption is malfeasance is a bribe or...
by Larrion Hillman | May 16, 2022 | Setting Bond in Louisiana
Setting Bond in Louisiana May 16th, 2022 Setting a bond in LouisianaSetting bail, or bond, in Louisiana is mainly at the judge’s discretion. Clients often want their bond reduced; however, once set, it is often difficult to adjust that amount without presenting...
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