Keep Calm – Let Hillman Handle It!
Domestic Abuse Battery
Domestic Abuse Battery January 17th, 2023What is Domestic Abuse Battery? Domestic abuse battery is...
Fireworks December 13th, 2022For many families, one holiday tradition more sacred than Santa is...
What is homicide November 21st, 2022What is homicide Louisiana law defines homicide as the killing...
Arson in Louisiana
Arson in Louisiana October 25th, 2022What is arson in Louisiana Traditionally people think of...
Miranda Warnings
Miranda Warnings October 17th, 2022What law provides Miranda Warnings The Miranda warnings stem...
What is Negligent Homicide?
What is Negligent Homicide? October 11th, 2022Louisiana negligent homicide Negligent homicide...
Arrested? Live out of state?
Arrested? Live out of state? October 10th, 2022According to the Louisiana tourism department, our...
Contractor Fraud in Louisiana defined
Contractor Fraud in Louisiana defined August 31th, 2022Contractor fraud While contractor fraud is...
Talking to the police during the investigation
Talking to the police during the investigation August 29th, 2022One question I receive regularly...
Prostitution in Louisiana
Prostitution in Louisiana August 25th, 2022Is prostitution legal in Louisiana? No. What surprises...